• Question: Are twins/triplets/quadruplets/etc. brains connected?

    Asked by samantha234 to Damien, Suzi, Tim on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Tim Fosker

      Tim Fosker answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi @samantha234

      No they are not, but twins etc.. do often seem to think alike, and some even finish each other’s sentences. This is probably because they know each other really well (normally having grown up together), but who knows – in the future scientists may discover a mechanism for transmitting thoughts that some twins have. It would be very cool if they did 🙂

    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi @samantha234

      Although identical twins/triplets/quadruplets share idential DNA, they will not be exactly the same, and their brains will therefore be slightly different. The different experiences they have in their life will make them unique people.

      Some twins feel that they have a connection with their twin, as I’m not a twin I don’t know what that would be like. But I would say that although they are very very similar, which is why they may feel this connection, their brains would not be connected.

      Non identical twins, although carried in their Mother’s womb and born together, do not share any more DNA than any siblings (brothers and sisters) – 50%. I don’t think they would have a brain connection either, although again their environment would be very similar, so they’re likely to be quite similar to each other.

      Hope this answers your question!
