• Question: Can canabis effect your mood and how you react to things?

    Asked by flossieqb to Tim, Suzi on 21 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by alexboulton1.
    • Photo: Tim Fosker

      Tim Fosker answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi @flossieqb

      The short answer is yes. Canabis is known to slow down the time it takes you to react to things and it can have mixed effects on your mood. It can make you feel down, or happy.

      Thanks for the question.

    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi @flossieqb and @alexboulton1

      As well as what Tim’s mentioned, cannabis can also make you feel paranoid, and depressed. There have been a few other questions about cannabis and it’s effects on us – have a look here:

      As part of my research I’m trying to find out whether cannabis affects your likelihood to get psychosis – some of the feelings you get when high are a bit like psychosis, but they pass after an hour or so. Psychosis can lead to feelings like this for weeks on end, or even longer.

      Hope this answers your question!
