• Question: do you think its possible to fly?

    Asked by daisymarie2k11 to Damien, Suzi, Tim on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi @daisymarie2k11
      Well I have been in a aeroplane…

      But I don’t think humans will be able to fly unaided any time soon, and I don’t think we’re likely to evolve to be able to, as there would be no advantage to reproduction if we were able to fly!

      Shame though!
      Hope this answers your question!

    • Photo: Tim Fosker

      Tim Fosker answered on 23 Jun 2011:


      There are ‘wingsuits’ that you can use to glide, which of course isn’t really flying, but very cool nevertheless.

      As Suzi says there would have to be an evolutionary advantage to us flying for it to develop, but something like webbed arms and legs for gliding could develop if there was an advantage. Being able to travel long distances and reproduce with more diverse gene pools would be an evolutionary advantage of flight, or being able to fly to a place where it is easier to get food like migratory birds is an advantage. However, there really doesn’t seem to be an advantage for humans because we have already invented planes to take us long distances, and we have invented ways of farming and importing food during the winter months.

      Never mind, may be we’ll evolve gills instead? Although again this is unlikely as we have scuba gear. Which would you prefer to be able to do, fly or breathe underwater?
