• Question: Do you think researchers should focus on smaller diseases to raise awareness before it gets even bigger?

    Asked by samantha234 to Damien, Suzi, Tim on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi @samantha234
      It’s always good if researchers can raise awareness and understanding of small diseases before they get bigger, this is particularly important with diseases that are passed from person to person (communicable diseases).

      However, often we as both scientists and the population at large don’t become aware of diseases until they are affecting people, in which case they’re already spreading.

      But I agree that if researchers know about a disease that has the potential to affect a lot of people it’s really important to raise awareness about it.

      Part of being a scientist is telling the world about your work.

      Thanks for the question, I love it!
