• Question: how did humans begin?

    Asked by jadoolan to Damien, Rachael, Simon, Suzi, Tim on 19 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 18 Jun 2011:

      Hi @jadoolan
      Great question, but really difficult.
      Humans developed gradually, scientists have looked at skeletons found of really old humans, and through dating them, they have got a really interesting picture of how we came to look how we look.

      Here’s a great BBC website about this


      Hope this helps

    • Photo: Damien Hall

      Damien Hall answered on 19 Jun 2011:

      There’s also a question about why apes aren’t extinct if we evolved from them (the answer is that we didn’t evolve from them exactly) – if you look for that in the questions answered, there’s some more information about how humans began and came to look the way we do.
