• Question: how is a stroke caused?

    Asked by georgie98 to Rachael on 20 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Rachael Ward

      Rachael Ward answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      Hi georgie98

      A stroke is caused by disruption to the blood flow to your brain.

      It is really really important that your brain gets a good supply of blood all the time. Although the brain is only about 2% of the total body weight in humans, it receives 20% of the body’s blood supply. The blood brings many materials necessary for the brain to function properly including oxygen. Brain cells will die if the supply of blood which carries oxygen is stopped. Therefore, even if other organs in the body need blood, the brain has top priority!

      Blood gets to your brain through blood vessels that pass up through your neck. A stroke can be caused in two different ways. Ischemic strokes are caused by interruption of the blood supply by a blockage or clot in the vessels, while hemorrhagic strokes result from rupture of a blood vessel so the bloody leaks out.

      A lot of different factors can cause strokes to happen. For example high blood pressure and aging can lead to damage of the blood vessels.

      Sometimes a doctor cant tell the exact reason someone has had a stroke. However, they have a list of things that might increase the chances of having one. These include high blood cholesterol levels, diabetes, cigarette smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, lack of exercise, obesity and an unhealthy diet.

      Thanks for being patient and asking the question over the website rather than the chat. I hope I’ve answered your question
