• Question: how many microscopes do you have ?

    Asked by k1i2z3 to Rachael on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Rachael Ward

      Rachael Ward answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hi @k1i2z3

      I had 1 light microscope that was mine and I used everyday to look at my worms on. However, in total there were about 6 different microscopes that I would use over the course of a week to do different things. My normal light one, 2 different electron microscopes to see things at a much higher magnification and fluorescent microscopes to see fluorescent proteins that we had attached to neurons in the worm to see them better.

      Microscopes can be very very expensive though so generally we share most of them with other people in our lab or department.

      I hope this answers your question
