• Question: If the parietal part of the brain had to be cut out becasue it got damaged in an accident would you never be able to move, recognize people or tell where you are? Or maybe could that part of the brain completely regrow from nothing? Or would another part of the brain take over that role?

    Asked by purplegiraffe to Damien, Rachael, Simon, Suzi, Tim on 17 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Hi @purplegiraffe
      The brain is amazingly good at ‘rewiring’ when damage occurs, but this is not always possible.

      I’m afraid I don’t know whether the parietal lobe’s functions would be able to relocate. You have 2 parietal lobes, one in each hemisphere, so losing one might be ok, but losing both would probably be bad.

      I don’t know for definite though, anyone else got any ideas?
