• Question: Some one said that girls learn to read and ride earlier than boys. Is that true? If yes why?

    Asked by dino123aoife to Tim on 17 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Tim Fosker

      Tim Fosker answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Hi @dino123aoife

      Is that ‘Aoife’ as in the Irish name? I live in Northern Ireland so Aoife is a common name, but I haven’t met anyone called Aoife in England.

      There is some evidence that girls learn to read easier than boys. Typically reading difficulties have been reported to affect boys more than girls, but we don’t know if this is just because teachers and parents report problems with reading in boys more.

      As for learning to ‘ride’ – did you mean ‘write’ or ‘ride a bike’? If it is riding a bike, I’m not sure. I don’t know any research that says there is a difference for boys and girls learning to ride.
