• Question: what actually is the big bang theory?

    Asked by gg123456789 to Suzi, Rachael on 18 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 18 Jun 2011:

      HI @gg123456789
      Hm, I’m no space scientist. But the big bang theory is how physicists believe the Universe was created. They think it happened 13 BILLION years ago.

      The premise is that the Universe began with a huge hot mass of ‘stuff’ (I get a bit shaky on my knowledge here) which all flew away from all the other bits really fast. As it flew away it cooled down, and this led to the Universe being all spread out like it is now, still moving away from the centre, but a lot more slowly.

      I’ve put this question up on twitter so hopefully a proper space scientist will head over here and give us a better answer 🙂

      Hope this helps though…. 🙂
