• Question: What do you prefer bar charts or line graphs?

    Asked by geordiecatcher to Suzi on 10 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 10 Jun 2011:

      Hi @geordiecatcher great question!

      To look at, I prefer line graphs, but the reason we have both is practical; it depends on the type of information you are using to make the graph.

      Line graphs are used for what is called ‘continuous data’. This could be something like height, where there can be tiny differences between values. Bar charts are better for looking at grouped data, such as age in years, so everyone the same age can go in the same bar.

      Some of my friends study genetics, and they make really beautiful graphs called Manhattan plots, because they look like the skyline of New York. Have a look on the internet for them if you can, they’re really cool!

      Hope that’s answered your question 🙂
