• Question: What insulation works best roof insulation or double glazing?

    Asked by kibo to Rachael on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Rachael Ward

      Rachael Ward answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hi Kibo,
      Gosh, I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer this as I’ve never tried to insulate a house!

      It will partly depend on what sort of house you live in – for example, I live in a flat with people above me so obviously, roof insulation is no use to me! However, my windows arent double glazed and I know they can make the flat drafty and cold in the winter!

      Heat rises which is why roof insulation is important and it can save you a lot of money as you need the heating on less and not as much heat has escaped. According to a government advice site, you loose more heat through walls and the roof with windows being less of a problem:


      On this site they recommend insulation for your roof and the cavities in your walls but also say that double glazing can cut heat loss through windows by half so I guess, ideally, you’d have all 3!

      I hope this helps!
