• Question: what is cognitive neuropsychology

    Asked by fredsta05 to Suzi on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi @fredsta05
      Thanks for the question.
      This is what I studied for a year after my undergraduate degree, to get a Masters degree.

      Cognition basically means complex thought. Neuro refers to the brain, and psychology is the study of people and their behaviour.

      So basically it’s looking at how people think and act, with particular reference to the brain. Trying to work out which bits of the brain do what! A good way to do this is with a combination of brain scans of healthy people (EEG like Tim does, or MRI) and then looking at people with brain injuries, and seeing how this changes their behaviour or abilities, and trying to work out what that bit of the brain should do in healthy people.

      Let me know if you want more info! It’s a great thing to study, it’s fascinating!
