• Question: what is crystal meth???????????????????????????????

    Asked by alcfashion to Tim, Suzi, Simon, Rachael, Damien on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Rachael Ward

      Rachael Ward answered on 21 Jun 2011:


      The scientific name for crystal meth is Methamphetamine. It is similar to other types of amphetamine drugs that are stimulants and can be very dangerous as they very addictive but are also very toxic to your brain cells as well as to your heart. I think there is a link between taking Methamphetamine and psychosis but Suzi might know more about this than me.

      I hope this helps answer the question

    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi @alcfashion
      Rachael is right, it’s a really dangerous illegal drug!
      You tend to smoke it in a similar way to crack cocaine, what they call ‘chasing the dragon’. It’s really harmful, so steer clear is my advice.
      Rachael’s also right that it has been linked to psychosis, more so than cannabis.
      You can read more about it here
