• Question: which is the strongest of all human senses

    Asked by jordandainty to Damien, Rachael, Simon, Suzi, Tim on 20 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      Hi @jordandainty
      This is different for different people. You can try and find out for yourself a little bit. See if you can cope for 20 minutes with your eyes covered, then see if you can cope for 20 minutes with earplugs in. Trying to live without a sense of touch is harder to find out! You can try eating food whilst holding your nose to see what life without a sense of taste or smell would be like (quite bland)!

      There are also other ‘hidden’ senses, like our ability to know where all the bits of our body are in the world, called proprioception. Some strong viruses can knock this out, and when this happens it’s really hard to even walk, you have to practise in front of a mirror so you can see your limbs to be able to move them!

      Hope this answers your question a bit!
