• Question: Can drugs affect your memory?

    Asked by kibo to Damien, Suzi, Tim on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Suzi Gage

      Suzi Gage answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi @kibo
      Yes certain drugs can affect our memory. I’m not wholly sure about how they do this, but it’s probably due to their changing the levels of chemicals in the brain, which is likely to have an effect on our ability to form memories, store them, and retrieve them!

      Sometimes while you’re actually high (or in particular drunk) you can have complete memory loss of what you’re doing, and the next morning can be very embarrassing.

      Of course, this has never happened to me, but I IMAGINE it would be embarrassing!

      Hope this helps! Let me know if you want more info (about drugs and memory – not embarrassing stories…I don’t have any of those….)
